Saturday, September 10, 2011

VERMI T (compost brewed Tea)

Vermi T™ contains approximately 35,000 diverse organisms that are recognized as probiotics for your plants. Introducing a consistent and balanced plethora of beneficial bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes (key members of the soil food web), allow for better digestion of nutrients as well as stimulates immune system function.
The core humic matter in Vermi T™ is unparalleled in the fresh tea market; Alaskan Humus, VermiGreen organic compost (all green waste, no manures, Vermi T™ treated to increase biodiversity and cut the degradation process in half) and Vermicrop Earthworm Castings (from private worm farms fed with a proprietary diet of vegetative matter). The diverse humic substrates with high microbial integrity are then fortified with fossilized kelp containing high calcium, seventy-two trace elements and inoculated with endo/ecto mycorrhizae. The diversity of aerobic biology is brought to the highest total biomass by implementing six of the most premium fungal/bacteria food sources consisting of a proprietary blend of specific simple and complex carbohydrates particular to the needs of the organisms. These food sources are measured to .01 of a gram to ensure consistent biological culturing.
The integrity of our ingredients combined with specific ratios, which are scientifically tested, allow Vermi T™ to reach the highest levels of biomass and achieve a biodiversity which is unsurpassed on the market. Vermi T™ was manifested to create simplicity in brewing a consistent, premium, microbial tea solution. Vermi T™ will enrich gardeners’ lives by enriching their garden.

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